Crystals are rapidly growing in popularity in recent months. If you are new to crystals you may be wondering how to carry them about with you so that they can absorb your energy.
Many crystals will come already on a necklace or will contain a hole meaning that they are easy to string up.
If you do not have a spiral trap to place the crystals in, you may be wondering how you can wear your crystal. To do this you will need to wire wrap your crystal of choice to be able to put it on a chain.
These make beautiful pieces of jewelry that even non-believers in crystals will want to wear. The method can seem confusing at first but stick with it.
Once you get the hang of it the method is super simple and you will want to do this to all of your crystals.
There are many different ways to wire wrap crystals, and you can make your necklace unique if you like. We have covered a couple of basic methods below, but as you gain experience you can make your designs much more intricate.
What will you need?
You will need wire, wire cutters, and round-nosed pliers. You will also need your crystal and a tape measure or ruler. We recommend having some tissue paper to hand to prevent your crystal from being scratched by the wire.
What wire should you use?
We recommend using a 24-gauge wire to wrap your crystal. This is around 0.51 mm thick and should be plenty strong enough to hold your crystal in place.
The best wire to use is silver, as this is a neutral color and will go with any crystal. Silver is the metal of emotions, psychic abilities, and healing. It is closely associated with feminine energies and the moon.
Silver is believed to help bring you patience and perseverance and can amplify the vibrations of your crystal.
Alternatively, you can use copper wire for this. Copper is believed to help conduct energies, balance the chakras, and clear out negativity.
It is also said to enhance our physical and spiritual connections and magnify energetic transfers.
For any shaped crystal
For a standard-sized crystal, you will need approximately 1 foot of your chosen wire. Measure this out and snip to size using wire cutters. If you don’t know how much to use we recommend over-estimating the length you need.
Clasp the wire in your pliers, approximately 2 inches from the end. Wrap the longer end around the nose of the pliers 3 times, taking care to not overlap any of the loops.
The loops should be lying down next to one another to make a little ring.
Wrap your crystal in the tissue paper until the surface is completely covered. Do not wrap it multiple times, as this will make it hard later in the process.
Find the smallest area of your crystal, the bit that appears most like a point. Place the small ring you have created on the top of this area. Position the crystal between the 2 sides of the wire until it is how you want it to hang.
The next step is up to your personal preference. You will need to wrap the long end of the wire around the crystal in the design of your choice.
You can form an X shape with the wire by wrapping it back and forth, or simply wrap the wire multiple times around the center to immobilize the crystal.
Whatever pattern you choose, take care to wrap the wire tightly around your crystal at least 4 times. Take your time doing this as this is how your crystal will be secured. You should wrap the wire as tightly as possible.
Once you are satisfied with your crystal wrapping, you should grab the 2 inch long exposed end, and whatever is left of the other end of the wire.
Twist both of these ends tightly around the base of the small ring that you made to begin with. Pull the wires taught as you twist to secure the ends in place.
Snip off any excess wire using your wire cutters, and use your pliers to tuck in the ends. This will stop your body and crystal from being scratched.
Grab a small bowl of room-temperature water. Submerge your crystal completely in this and allow the tissue paper to absorb the water.
Use your pliers to gently prise away the tissue paper from the crystal. This is likely to take a while, so be patient.
For a tower, point, or wand-shaped crystal
These crystals are longer and typically look better with a different wrapping style. You will need all of the same equipment, although the method is different.
You may also wish to have a pair of step pliers to hand to make the final steps easier.
Find the midpoint of your wire and lay this diagonally against the central point of your crystal. About a centimeter from the point at one end of the crystal, begin wrapping your wire in loops.
These should be going towards the point of the crystal.
Once you are satisfied with the loops at this end, you can use your wire cutters to snip off any excess. Tighten this loop with the piers and tuck in the exposed end to revent hurting yourself.
Repeat this process at the other end of your crystal. You should now have 2 sets of spirals and a connecting line of wire across the length of the crystal. Do not snip the excess wire off of this end.
Using your pliers, straighten out the excess wire as much as possible. Measure 1 and a half inches from the point of your crystal and then cut the wire here.
Use your step or needle-nose pliers to wrap the straightened wire around to form a small loop. This is also known as the bail of your pendant. Make sure these loops are tight and secure.